One of the things that anyone would hate is being caught in traffic. Apparently not all drivers have the patience when they are caught in bumper to bumper situations especially when it comes to distance in between cars.
So why is distance important? Well for one, you never know if you are the cars in front or behind you are unaware that a slight movement of their vehicle may cause a sudden minor collision in between cars. Drivers for that matter do not take such collisions lightly. In fact, you may even find yourself in the middle of an argument and before you know it, you are causing a major jam as well once the traffic is supposedly free flowing.
So what is the proper distance in between vehicles? While no driver is expected to follow a certain distance in between cars, it remains that they already know how far they should be. There is the proper distance that you can project and in most cases, metric measurements don’t really matter.
Common sense will tell you if you are too close for comfort. Even in regular driving speeds, there is an observed distance in between cars so that in cases like a sudden stop, you can avoid accidents or road mishaps that can normally be charged at your expense. Driving too close will not be something to you advantage and is actually a form of defensive driving.
Keep your distance, you have more to gain than to lose.