Honda, one of the pioneers of the Japanese automotive Industry is beginning testing of its Advanced Safety Vehicles with Driving Safety Support Systems installed. The move is said to be a revolution in driving safety as we have previously discussed in some previous posts. The technology involves several information gathering systems which share information with other vehicles and the road systems themselves transforming the highways into a true information superhighway. Vehicles share information with other vehicles regarding positional data, and road conditions to avoid accidents. The road systems are then transformed into smart roads with sensors that check for road conditions congestion and can even share video of accidents which will show up on video monitors allowing drivers to stay clear of congested areas.
The Japanese cabinet has approved large scale testing to evaluate the effectivity and to gather information regarding the feasibility of such information systems to be implemented on the roads of Japan. The system uses radio transmissions from other vehicles which have transceivers installed onto them to allow evaluation of the best possible range for the system to become effective. It also has augmented safety systems such as automatic brakes which can take control of the braking system if the driver misjudges another vehicle in front of it. Smart assist systems such as the self-parking cars from Europe have been in the market for quite sometime. US vehicles even have satellite tracking and assistance where a locked door can be unlocked through a mouse click from a security assistance office thousands of miles away. These safety technologies would then filter out into the rest of the automotive industry making driving safer and more relaxed allowing you to enjoy the roads without getting stuck in traffic or unknowingly hitting another driver at a blind corner.