Even the lowly automotive crash test dummy had to be adapted to consider the rising number of obese people from all over the world. These human-like substitutes took the place of real people when the tests began to involve lethal forces that would have surely cut short the life of any volunteer (they actually used real people to test the effectivity of seatbelts when they were … [Read more...]
New Automotive Technologies (Part 2)
Next in line, is technology that is mostly associated with fighter jets rather than cars. Done guessing? Its HUD’s or Head's Up Display which display's information onto the windshield eliminating the need, again to turn your head to change the song that is currently being played on the audio system and other car functions such as the current speed. Smarter GPS systems are … [Read more...]
The Fastest Hybrid Car on Earth
When we think of the fastest cars on earth, we think big gas guzzling V-8 engines crammed with as much turbos as possible to give the driver that Oomph. Hybrids are those ugly lab experiments that not only fail the "look's good" category but doesn't give much power at all. Well, you might have to re-think that notion, for we welcome the entry of the fastest Hybrid Car on … [Read more...]
Signing On
Jaren here... signing on to STUDY DRIVING blog... This my introduction as I like to do away with formalities. Thank you very much for a chance to join the crew and share my experiences in driving, car care tips, and a whole lot more. Watch out for my posts, and I'm sure will have fun while learning the mystical art of driving defensively, and understanding the … [Read more...]
Buckling Up
Nope, this isn't a post about always wearing your seat belt, but an introduction. I'm Luis, another student of the road, and I'll be joining Sonnie and Angelo here at Study Driving. This is the first time I'll be writing about driving per se, so I'm buckling up and getting ready to go. Of course, since we've already brought it up - always wear a seat belt. Why? We'll … [Read more...]