Studying driving is nothing compared to being released on the streets and driving your car. Without someone to guide you, you are on your own and alone in your car. Once that happens, you will be surprised at the difference it will be considering there will be no one to correct you and to tell you to do this or do that. In short, all judgment calls when you start to drive will … [Read more...]
New cars, Better Cars? Not Always
The advances in automobile technology has been so much that a great number of deaths are prevented especially due to the use of newer materials that has increased the safety of vehicles so much that they are literally cages within the car. Automotive manufacturers have installed airbags, seatbelt pre-tensioners and the use of exotic alloy metals/materials that are lighter yet … [Read more...]
Easy Bad Weather Driving
Research into possible assistance by the car's computers along with various sensors in aiding drivers when driving in bad weather is underway to make the roads safer. Funded by Veridan and Honda, the researchers at The University of Buffalo are working to perfect and prototype a system which would have some built-in reflexes into the car allowing it to assist the driver in case … [Read more...]
Control Your Car In A Skid
Driving in winter is NOT a fun thing to do, as many of you will attest to. One danger is skidding. You may be driving at a reasonable speed and being as careful as you can be, but a stray patch of ice just might throw you out of control. YOU may know how to control a skid, but do your (driving) family members know how to handle it? Here is some information that you can … [Read more...]
Graphic Warning Video On Texting And Driving
Texting and driving has been an issue for the longest time. Ever since using the mobile phone for more than making voice calls became a common thing, texting behind the wheel has proven to be a serious problem. I suppose one factor is that many people do not see texting while driving as deadly as drinking and driving. It just seems to be “safe” and not really dangerous – at … [Read more...]