In the UK, you might be surprised to find out that potholes are not considered to be such unless they are deeper than 4cm. This comes to light as various local authorities are trying to cut back on expenses with respect to road repairs unless they are deeper than 4cm. Road management is suffering from a deficit of around 1 billion Pounds due to road repairs and they are trying … [Read more...]
Texting While Driving – Officially Against the Rule
In Most states in the US, texting is now considered a traffic violation with a hefty $1,800 fine that is causing much of a stir. Drivers argue that there are other more dangerous activities that are just as accident causing as texting such as; turning to get a fallen toy to stop a baby crying, tuning the radio, watching you favorite movie on the LCD screen which is part of … [Read more...]
Dirty Facts about Green Fuel Production
The recent outcry of scientists regarding the sudden increase of pollutants due to 'green' fuel production due to the effects of high oil prices which translates into high gasoline costs. The effect of the oil's sudden increased price has gasoline going up from less than two dollars to almost four at the pumps. The shift to more environmentally friendly options such as ethanol … [Read more...]
GPS Navigation Systems : Why they give wrong directions (Part 2)
There is also a strict control of the manufacture and export of GPS devices and technology from the United States to prevent enemy states from using its own technology against its own military forces. As we all know, the United States Military uses GPS for most Military positioning needs such as with targeting and target acquisition like when they have re-fitted previously … [Read more...]
GPS Navigation Systems : Why they give wrong directions (Part 1)
GPS has become common as your car stereo was a few years back, and many take for granted the previously solely-military use only technology. As the technology has come out in many types such as hand-held and built-in types for automobiles, they have also had their fair share of criticism from drivers and people alike. First, these systems only work flawlessly in areas that have … [Read more...]