A car loan comes in handy when you have low equity but have a regular source of income. But getting a car requires a lot of thinking as it involves large amount of money and long term commitments. Simply knowing that you can handle the payment and you have all the legal documentation that is necessary to obtain a car loan, does not mean you are ready for it. In order to make a … [Read more...]
Drive Safe with Bluetooth
Bluetooth is a wireless technology which facilitates connectivity. It allows gadgets such as cell phones to connect to other devices within range. Using this technology for headsets or hands-free car kits enables drivers to have conversations over the phone while driving. According to surveys, many accidents arise from mobile use –calling and /or texting. Unfortunately we never … [Read more...]
How to Avoid Christmas Traffic
The Christmas season is always associated with horrendous traffic due to last minute shopping and parties. It is a nightmare to drive in the busy streets and get stuck in them. Here are some tips to make driving stress free. Try your best to avoid the rush. Travel during off peak hours if you can. You will not only avoid traffic but reduce it too. Fewer motorists on the road … [Read more...]
Basic Car Maintenance Tips
Photo Courtesy Of: Marcin Wichary One of the worst things that can happen to anyone is for their car to break down at the worst time –during a storm, in a remote area or simply when you have an appointment. As doctors always say, prevention is better than cure, so here are a few tips that you can do to keep your car in tip top shape. Get to know your … [Read more...]
Tips for Driving in the Rain
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the weather has been crazy these past few months. Where it is supposed to be summer, they are getting storms. Where it is supposed to be cold, the temperatures are way up. In case you find yourself driving in the rain, here are some tips that will help you stay safe. Pay extra attention when it suddenly rains after a long dry … [Read more...]