Most of us probably take gasoline for granted in the sense that apart from the concern we show over its price, we do not really think about its impact on the environment. Sure, we may have a certain degree of concern over the effect of our exhaust on the air quality; but have you really put any thought of the effect filling up has on the environment? Yes, the mere act of … [Read more...]
My Top 3 Tips To Save Money On A Car
Buying a car is not a one time expense – everybody knows that. In fact, it could very well cost you a lot of money years down the road. In these times of financial instability, you need all the help that you can to save money. Here are my top 3 tips to help you do just that! Buy diesel Before you get all riled up, hear me out. I know that there are people who do not … [Read more...]
Eibach Spring Lowering Kits – Go with the Best!
When it comes to improving a car’s performance, installing a lowered spring set is one of the most underappreciated upgrades – it can give you so many benefits for a relatively low cost, that you have simply no excuse for not getting a good kit installed in your car! And if you want to make sure you’re shopping for the brand that’s right for you, you should definitely try an … [Read more...]
Car Check Tips For Bad Weather
Motorist safety is not simply about driving properly while on the road. As a matter of fact, motorist safety actually starts in your garage even before you hit the road. And since we’ve been on the topic of bad weather, let me go over some tips that will help you ensure that your car is in shape to handle those slippery roads. Check your tires. How are they? Make sure … [Read more...]
How To Wreck The Transmission Of Your Automatic
So you got yourself an automatic huh? I know a lot of people these days who prefer to drive an automatic car in the city, for everyday use. Of course, there are still a lot who prefer to drive the stick for better control, but for those who have automatic drives, here are some ways you can wreck the transmission of your car. Of course, I do not have to explain the sarcasm … [Read more...]