Most of us probably take gasoline for granted in the sense that apart from the concern we show over its price, we do not really think about its impact on the environment. Sure, we may have a certain degree of concern over the effect of our exhaust on the air quality; but have you really put any thought of the effect filling up has on the environment?
Yes, the mere act of buying gasoline and putting it in your car may have an effect on your surroundings. The effects may be minute but adding up all those tiny little things can eventually make a considerable change. So here are some things to look at.
Don’t use higher octane fuels unless your car really needs it.
You see, not all cars are meant to perform better just because you use high octane fuels. The truth is that most cars will function with the same efficiency whether you use regular fuel or its higher octane cousins. In these cases, the only difference between high octane fuels and regular fuels is the price; and you will end up on the losing end.
Don’t overfill the gas tank.
You know how you just love to try and get a tad bit more than you pay for at the gas pump? Well don’t. The gasoline will merely spill or evaporate. Either way, you will not gain anything PLUS you may contribute to the pollution of groundwater, as the spilt gas may leak below the ground, and smog formation.
Look for gas stations that have vapor catching nozzles.
Gasoline evaporates quickly and contributes to air pollution. There are gas stations however, which make use of these nifty nozzles which catch the vapor so it does not get released into the atmosphere.