Driving in winter is NOT a fun thing to do, as many of you will attest to. One danger is skidding. You may be driving at a reasonable speed and being as careful as you can be, but a stray patch of ice just might throw you out of control. YOU may know how to control a skid, but do your (driving) family members know how to handle it? Here is some information that you can share with them, especially your teenagers.
What do you do when the rear wheels lose traction?
First, keep your eyes on the road. Don’t panic and look elsewhere, and continue to take the direction you were originally taking. Remember to turn the wheel towards the path that you want to go.
Second, do NOT hit the brakes! This is probably going to be the initial reaction of an inexperienced driver, but train yourself not to do it. Hitting the brakes will only make you lose control of the car more.
Third and last, do not stop steering in the direction you need to go. This will help avoid the rear wheels skidding in the other direction.
Now what if the front wheels skid?
You basically have to maintain the same presence of mind as well as follow the steps above. The important thing to remember is that you wait for the wheels to regain their grip on the road and not to brake or accelerate while doing so. Bottom line: be in control of yourself and the situation.