The season of cheers is 52 days away and this early, people are thinking of gives to give and parties to go to. It has become a tradition that Christmas parties and social gatherings are apparent and aside from feasting on the various food and menu preparations, you cannot discount the fact that excessive drinking is included in the mix.
So what does this have to do with driving? Well for one, we are all aware that we are constantly warned about drinking and driving. This Christmas season, expect a lot of drinking and driving as well as people hope from one place to another, catching them at the wee hours of the morning. Now as far as drinking is concerned, there is usually no limit to how much you consume. But if you own a car and drive it from one place to another, make sure you don’t overdo it and intoxicate yourself.
A large portion of drivers today experience accidents mainly because they drink too much and commonly find themselves fall asleep behind the wheel while cruising at a certain pace. While the issue of drinking too much cannot be avoided, just make sure you do think rationally. If you feel that you are not fit to drive your vehicle then don’t.
Some take coffee to wake them up while others take short naps. On the road, you can choose to pull over and take a nap to somehow organize your driving sense. It is better to be aware of the road and yourself rather than waking up and finding yourself in the hospital. In fact, some don’t even wake up at all.