This is not meant to be a pessimistic post. It is only meant to open your eyes to the reality that everyone faces out there while driving on the road. When you drive, do you trust other drivers to drive well? Do you trust them to do the right things like follow the law and drive carefully? As noble as this kind of attitude may sound, it might not be the best route to … [Read more...]
Defensive Driving Rule: Pay Attention
This is rule #1 in defensive driving. You should always pay attention to the road, and driving should have your undivided attention. Try to refrain from using your cellphone, fiddling with the stereo controls, or even chatting with your passengers. One statistic often quoted is that most collisions happen within a short distance from home. Why is this true? Since we mostly … [Read more...]
Avoid the Big Trucks when Driving
Much of the accidents happening in the road today come from defying defensive driving. Just how do you drive defensively anyway? Well for one, distance yourself from the big trucks and trailers to avoid being swerved upon. This aside from the fact that truckers care less of being a responsible driver can lead to your demise, a figure that we see based on news and reports … [Read more...]